2025 Living Traditions Festival Food Vendor Application

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2025 Living Traditions Festival - Food Vendor Guidelines

Applications are due Wednesday February 12th at 11:59pm

Notification date is Friday February 28th



The mission of the Salt Lake City Arts Council is to promote, present, and support Utah-based artists, arts organizations, and arts activities in order to further the development of the arts community and to benefit the public by expanding awareness, access, and participation. https://saltlakearts.org/


The Living Traditions Festival supports the diverse artistic traditions and perspectives through the presentation of both historical and contemporary customs, facilitating thoughtful conversations about the unique qualities of various cultures, and the similarities of the human experience, while creating bonds among community members. https://saltlakearts.org/livingtraditionspresents/festival/



Friday, May 16 - School Day Program 9:00 a.m. – Noon (Food Market closed)

Friday, May 16 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 PM

Saturday, May 17 Noon – 10:00 PM

Sunday, May 18 Noon – 7:00 PM


Library Square and the adjacent Washington Square at 451 S. State St. in downtown Salt Lake City.



We ask that all food vendors activate their vendor booth for the duration of the festival, Friday through Sunday. Please do not pack up early.



You will be able to set up your booth on Friday between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm. The following will be provided:

  • One 10’ x 20’ canopy, fire code certified. You may not use your own tent.
  • Portable fire extinguisher
  • Culinary water available onsite
  • Trash and recycling cans, waste water containers and hot oil/ash containers
  • Two banquet tables & four folding chairs
  • Trash and recyclable dumpsters
  • Space in a refrigerator truck
  • A banner with your organization’s name
  • Limited power
  • Lighting



The Salt Lake County Health Department will be doing an onsite inspection just prior to the 5:00pm opening of the festival. Please be prepared.

More information and requirements will be provided if you are selected. The following are some of the requirements:

  • Propane or charcoal barbecues work well and are encouraged. Generators are not allowed to be used on the festival grounds.
  • Certificate of insurance required.
  • Temporary Event Permit required.
  • Vendors need to use plant-based, recycled plastic, paper disposable or other sustainable options for food service. No Styrofoam containers of any kind are allowed.

You will also be required to attend a training session located at the Art Barn (54 Finch Lane) hosted by the Salt Lake County Health Department.



If you are selected to be a food vendor, there will be a fee of $700 to participate plus a refundable security deposit. Both the fee and the deposit must be paid prior to Friday May 2, 2025 in order to participate. 



The Salt Lake City Arts Council will be responsible for the final selection of all food vendors, marketing announcements, press releases, and management of festival grounds.



We are looking for not-for-profit community organizations such as churches, civic leagues and associations to participate as food vendors in our Festival. Proceeds from Festival sales must be used to support your organization’s cultural programming.

  • Food sales are limited to traditional foods only and are subject to review by Festival staff.
  • Menus must be approved by staff prior to the Festival. Any changes to your menu before or during the Festival must be approved.
  • Sales of traditional ethnic beverages are encouraged, but sales of commercial soft drinks & bottled water are not allowed.
  • Food trucks are not permitted if you need to use a generator and/or keep the truck running.

Applications are reviewed by the Salt Lake City Arts Council’s Living Traditions Festival Advisory Committee, which is composed of Arts Council staff and members from the community. The Salt Lake City Arts Council strives to make the application and selection process fair and equitable. 



You may stop by the Art Barn offices (54 Finch Lane) in person Tuesday January 7, 14 or 21 from 3-5pm for open office hours, or by scheduling an appointment.

If you require further resources to complete the application materials or have other questions, contact Dawn Borchardt at the info provided below. We do our best to respond to inquiries in a timely manner, however we may not be able to respond to your inquiries in a timely manner during the final days prior to the interest form due date. Please give yourself ample time to complete the application.



Need technical support with your submission? 



Dawn Borchardt, Performing Arts Program Manager


(801) 535-6553

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.